Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is a large number of distributed, small, specifications and functions of different sensor nodes, through its own sensing, computing and communications capability posed by the network system. It can be integrated dynamic signal acquisition, processing and transmission of information and can automatically adapt to environmental changes, in the case of unattended task independently.In this paper, with the topic of "Research and development for Smart IP wireless sensor control of the ARM-side ", after detailed research and feasibility studies, on the basis of the current in-depth study of the popular theory ,this paper produces a new way to realize it. The use of embedded technology in the ARM processor platform design and development of a wireless embedded sensor, the major work done including:First, on the background of wireless sensor networks, the development of the status, meaning and content of the study, and then combined with the embedded IP sensor theory, discusses the working principle of their model and get ready for actual system design.